Our School
Our School
15: Ladies First/Beyond The Bell
17: End of Mini Marking Pd. 4
17: End of Marking Period 2
17: End of semester 1
20: No School (Martin Luther King’s Day)
21: K-12 In-Service
22: Beginning of Mini Marking Pd. 5
23: High School Tours (9:30 - 11:00) 8th Grade
27-31: Penny Wars
31: 2nd Marking Period Grades Posted
31: K-12 Early Dismissal
Homework Links:
The Croaker-Welcome to The Croaker, where new stories and articles will be posted weekly.
The Croaker-Welcome to The Croaker, where new stories and articles will be posted weekly.
Marticville Middle School Parent Update
Marticville Middle School Parent Update